Usually, it is said, in legal terms and arguments, blood for blood and water for water, so a doctor doing hair treatments and transplants says and believes that the theorem is ” HAIR FOR HAIR ” means to say that, a wig, a patch or a dark tattoo and hair fiber powder can cover and camouflage an individual’s bald area for a small period of time, but can not give him a head full of hair.
The best donor area for head pr scalp hair transplant is the area, on the back of the head ( posteriorly), it’s a horizontal strip of scalp skin, should be very much full of hair, or could be 3 cm to 5 cm broad, and could be 21 cm to 29 cm long, maximum it gives you up to 8000 FOLLICLES in a procedure of FUHT Method, while in FUE Procedure it may sometimes give you up to 5000 follicles,.as per data from best hair transplant center pune, Sai Cosmetics.
GRAFTS from this donor area can be used in the need for
1).head or scalp,
3). Moustache
4.) Eyebrows.
5). Or for covering FUHT Scars.
In whatever the procedure, SURGEON is undertaking, care must be taken not to cross over the safe donor area, this is a basic step we don’t miss at best hair transplant in pune, Sai Cosmetics.
Non-conventional donor areas are the
1). The fringe of the beard, i ;e, the area of beard just below the face confided by both of your jawlines, and above the Adam’s Apple ( the THYROID Apparatus), if good can fetch up to 1000 FOLLICLES easily. These are ideal for MOUSTACHE reconstructions, can be used at scalp as well.
2).Chest hair as donor area …If chest hair density is good then it can easily fetch 1400 follicles.It is good to use chest hair in grade 5 & 6 baldness.
3).We try to use donor area after assessing the health of the donor’s hair on TRICHOSCAN studies at best hair transplant center pune, Sai Cosmetics.
4). The donor area must be infection free and if any kind of infection is there then it should be treated first. These points are well taken care off at best hair transplant center pune sai cosmetics.
5).Very unconventional donor hair sites that could be explored are axillary and pubic hair., though extremely rare.
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