Hair is one of the most look after part of our body. The term ‘properly groomed’ is incomplete if the hair is not groomed properly. Is has been studied that losing your hair has affected the self-confidence in both men and women.
What Science Says?
Scientifically, the age for transplant is considered after the age of 26 years to 28 years i.e. the time when the natural testosterone starts dipping. Considering today’s lifestyle, a balding or disappearing hairline can occur at any stage of life. It usually affects males around the age of 33.
Why do we start to lose our hair?
Baldness is often caused by changes in Dihydrotestosterone or DHT. DHT is a byproduct of testosterone. As a result, males are more readily affected by receding hairlines. It prevents the growth of certain hair follicles. You will notice the thinning of hair. This is how balding and receding begins.
Read More: When Is The Right Time To Undergo A Hair Transplant Treatment?
What We Have Noticed?
- Teenagers
At Sai Cosmetics, we have performed over 500 hair transplants in Pune. Over 15% of the patients were at a younger age (even below 20 years of age). The majority of them had just crossed adolescent age and high on hormones. However, they feel depressed due to hair loss at a young age. In such cases, we explain the details to the parents.
- Middle-aged
Regarding middle age and older aged patients, the average age is between 35 years to 45 years. At this phase of age, people are in the battle of life. Taking the challenges of life, hands-on, to make a mark in the society. This leads to overlooking the health, and eating habits, resulting in stress. When they are looking at the mirror and notices a bald area on the top and a receding hairline. He searches on the internet and starts exploring for the hair transplant center in Pune.
Thus, the hair transplant has no age. Hair loss can start at any age due to different reasons discussed in earlier articles. You can contact Dr. Amitabh Shrivastava (over 25 years of hair transplant experience) for a hair transplant consultation or hair transplant in Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, and Indore.
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