Vitiligo – Facts & Treatments you should know! – Part 2

How Is Vitiligo Treated?

Currently, there is no medication that can eliminate existing white spots. The most that patients can do is prevent its spread, and make the spots less obvious. Also available are various treatments that may help skin look more even. The choice of treatment depends on:

  • The number of white patches.
  • How widespread the patches are.
  • The treatment the person prefers to use.

Current treatment options for vitiligo include medical, surgical, and other treatments. Most treatments are aimed at restoring color to the white patches of skin.


Medical treatments:

  • Medicines (such as creams to be applied / oral pills or liquid)
  • Medicine plus ultraviolet A (UVA) light – known as PUVA
  • Removing color from other areas so they subdue different appearance of white patches.

Surgical treatments:

  • Skin grafts from a person’s own tissues. The doctor takes skin from one area of a patient’s body and attaches it to another area. This is sometimes used for people with small patches of vitiligo.
  • Tattooing small areas of skin.

Other treatments include:

  • Sunscreens
  • Cosmetics, such as makeup or dye, to cover the white patches
  • Counseling and support.

What Can People Do to Cope With Vitiligo?

One need to build strong self-confidence and should not let any situation, be it vitiligo, to halt them from being social, happy and healthy. Additionally, there are several things you can do to cope with the disorder such as talking to a doctor cum counsellor and knowing various facts related to it. Understand about treatments and deciding on which treatment can suit you and your budget both. Do not hinder yourself from taking to your loved ones, family and in social gathering because more you talk, more you would feel better about yourself. A person may need to try several brands of concealing cosmetics before finding the product that works best.

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